Road Stud
They originated in the UK in 1933 and today are used all over the world. Road studs with proven successful installation in various locations such as motorways, walkways, car parks and cycleways, these road studs provide guidance and advanced warning to drivers. Classification of road stud: By material: 1, Aluminum road stud; 2, Plastic road stud; 3, Ceramic road stud; 4, Glass road stud; 5, Reflective road stud (21 beads and 43 beads, can be combined into the aluminum and plastic road stud) By function: 1, Ordinary road stud; 2, Solar road stud; 3, Tunnel cable road stud; 4, Wireless road stud Plastic road stud: Plastic road studs are highly durable devices, providing day and night visibility in adverse weather conditions. These are reflector type road stud have a large response time and reflect light from vehicles headlight back to the driver's eye. These are used to provide distinct outline of pavement markings during poor visibility conditions under fog and incl...